Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский

to come under the

  • 1 to come under the hammer

    to come under the hammer
    ser vendido em leilão.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to come under the hammer

  • 2 to come/pass under the yoke

    to come/pass under the yoke
    ser subjugado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to come/pass under the yoke

  • 3 come

    1. past tense - came; verb
    1) (to move etc towards the person speaking or writing, or towards the place being referred to by him: Come here!; Are you coming to the dance?; John has come to see me; Have any letters come for me?) vir
    2) (to become near or close to something in time or space: Christmas is coming soon.) chegar
    3) (to happen or be situated: The letter `d' comes between `c' and è' in the alphabet.) vir
    4) ((often with to) to happen (by accident): How did you come to break your leg?) acontecer
    5) (to arrive at (a certain state etc): What are things coming to? We have come to an agreement.) chegar a
    6) ((with to) (of numbers, prices etc) to amount (to): The total comes to 51.) somar
    2. interjection
    (expressing disapproval, drawing attention etc: Come, come! That was very rude of you!) então!
    - coming
    - comeback
    - comedown
    - come about
    - come across
    - come along
    - come by
    - come down
    - come into one's own
    - come off
    - come on
    - come out
    - come round
    - come to
    - come to light
    - come upon
    - come up with
    - come what may
    - to come
    * * *
    "(now) come!" vamos, por favor!, anime-se!
    [k∧m] vt+vi (ps came, pp come) 1 vir, aproximar(-se). 2 chegar. 3 surgir. 4 alcançar, atingir. 5 acontecer, ocorrer. 6 resultar, redundar, advir. 7 nascer, proceder, emanar. 8 ficar, tornar-se, vir a ser. 9 passar, entrar. 10 andar, percorrer. 11 ocorrer, ser lembrado. 12 ser obtenível, estar disponível. 13 importar em, custar, perfazer. 14 chegar a. 15 formar-se, tomar forma ou feitio. 16 estender-se, avançar, ir até. 17 tratar-se de, referir-se a. 18 ser levado a, vir a. 19 coll ter um orgasmo, gozar. a misfortune has come over us uma desgraça caiu sobre nós. and where do I come in? e eu? que vantagem levo? are you coming my way? você vem comigo? come along! venha comigo!, vamos! come in! entre! come off it! pare de enrolar!, pare de mentir! come of it what will venha o que vier. come on! venha!, vamos! come what may! aconteça o que acontecer! first come, first served quem primeiro chega, primeiro é servido. for the year to come para o ano próximo. for years to come para vários anos, para o futuro. he came in ele entrou. he came it strong ele mostrou energia neste assunto. he came up to London ele veio para Londres. he comes it too strong ele exagera. he did not come up to my expectations ele não correspondeu às minhas expectativas. he has come short of his duties ele não cumpriu seus deveres. he has it coming to him Amer coll ele bem o merece. how come? por quê?, como? how come you know that? / como você ficou sabendo disso? ( I am) coming já vou, estou indo. I came near losing my courage quase perdi a coragem. I shall come and see you soon logo irei fazer-lhe uma visita. it came on to rain começou a chover. it came to me veio-me a idéia. it comes in bottles é fornecido em garrafas. it has come into my head veio-me à mente, lembrei-me de. it has come to be the fashion tornou-se moda. it has come true tornou-se realidade. let’s come to the point! vamos ao assunto (principal). ( now) come! vamos, por favor!, anime-se! oh come! oh come on! sem essa! so it has come to this então as coisas chegaram a este ponto (ruim). that comes in useful isto chega em boa hora. the book has come apart o livro descolou. the conservatives come in os conservadores chegam ao poder, foram eleitos. the life to come a outra vida. the photograph has not come a fotografia não saiu. these figs come from Africa estes figos são da África. the ship came down before the wind Naut o navio virou a favor do vento. the time to come o futuro. the train came in o trem chegou. they came in for a share levaram (ganharam) sua parte. to come about a) acontecer, suceder. b) mudar de direção. the wind came about / o vento virou. to come a cropper a) cair. b) fracassar. to come across a) encontrar, deparar com. where did you come across him? / onde você o encontrou? b) Amer coll pagar por acaso. c) atravessar. d) ser bem recebido, compreendido (um discurso). e) Amer coll dizer a verdade, confessar. to come after a) seguir. b) procurar. to come again voltar, repetir-se. to come at chegar a, conseguir. to come away sair, ir embora. to come back a) voltar. it came back to me / voltou-me à memória, lembrei-me novamente. b) reanimar-se. c) sl retrucar. to come behind a) vir atrás. b) ficar atrás de. to come by a) passar. b) ganhar. c) obter. how did you come by it? / como obteve isto? to come clean Amer coll confessar tudo. to come clean from Amer coll vir diretamente de. to come down a) descer, baixar, abaixar. b) desmoronar-se. c) fig ceder. to come down a peg or two coll ficar mais moderado. to come down in the world perder posição social, baixar o nível de vida. to come down to earth voltar à realidade, pôr os pés no chão. to come down upon someone repreender alguém severamente. to come face to face deparar-se. to come for vir buscar. I come for the books / venho buscar os livros. may I come for you? / posso vir buscar você? to come full circle dar a volta completa, voltar ao começo. to come home a) voltar para casa. b) ser sentido, percebido ou compreendido. the sufferings of the poor have come home to me / o sofrimento dos pobres me comoveu. to come in first alcançar o primeiro lugar. to come in for an inheritance receber uma herança. to come into entrar em, tomar posse de, adquirir. to come into a fortune herdar uma fortuna. to come into one’s own conseguir seu direito. to come into play entrar em jogo. to come into property chegar a fazer fortuna. to come into sight chegar à vista. to come into the world nascer. he came into the world / ele nasceu. to come it strong sl mentir, exagerar, contar vantagem. to come of a) vir, descender. he comes of an old family / ele descende de família antiga. b) resultar de. to come of age atingir a maioridade (legal). to come off a) soltar-se, desprender-se. the cork won’t come off / a rolha não quer sair. b) sair, retirar-se. c) ocorrer, ter lugar. d) ter bom resultado. he came off well / ele saiu-se bem. e) sair de cartaz (peça, filme). to come on a) avançar, apresssar-se. b) progredir, melhorar. c) começar. d) entrar (em cena, no campo). e) entrar em cartaz (filme). to come on the scene a) chegar, começar a tomar parte. b) nascer. to come out a) sair. the stains won’t come out / as manchas não querem sair. b) aparecer, ser publicado, ser editado. the likeness has come out well / saiu bem parecida ou semelhante. c) fig ficar ou tornar-se conhecido. she came out last year / ela ficou conhecida o ano passado. d) resultar. e) cair (dente, cabelo). to come out for apoiar. to come out in support declarar apoio. to come out in the open abrir o jogo, ser sincero. to come out in the wash coll acabar bem. to come out (on strike) entrar em greve. to come out right acabar bem. to come round/ around a) fazer uma visita, aparecer. b) voltar a si, recuperar os sentidos. he came round soon / ele logo voltou a si. c) mudar de idéia, pensar melhor. he will come round / ele pensará melhor. d) virar, mudar de direção. to come out top ir primeiro. he came out top / ele foi primeiro. to come short ter defeitos, ser insuficiente. to come short of não alcançar o nível, ser inferior. to come through a) ter bom resultado, conseguir. b) superar, sobreviver. c) aparecer. d) chegar conforme o esperado. to come to a) chegar a, alcançar. the war came to an end / a guerra chegou ao fim. b) obter, conseguir. c) importar em, montar. d) recuperar os sentidos. she came to herself / ela voltou a si, recuperou os sentidos. to come to a bad end acabar mal. to come to a head chegar a um ponto crucial. to come to blows chegar às vias de fato, brigar. to come to grief não ter sucesso. to come to grips with enfrentar, confrontar. to come to light vir à luz, ser descoberto. to come to nought ou nothing fracassar. to come to pass acontecer. to come to terms chegar a um acordo. to come to the same thing dar na mesma, ser indiferente. to come to think of it pensar bem. to come under estar em tais condições, cair sob, estar sujeito a. to come up a) subir, avançar, vir. b) aproximar-se. c) nascer, brotar, crescer. d) surgir, vir à baila. the question came up for discussion / a questão surgiu para ser discutida. e) acontecer. to come up in the world melhorar de vida, subir de posição social. to come upon a) descobrir, encontrar, ocorrer. b) surpreender, cair sobre, atacar. to come up to the mark corresponder às necessidades. to come up with igualar, alcançar, aproximar-se. to have come down to ser transmitido ou legado a. to have come down with a bad cold ficar muito gripado. to have come to believe convencer-se, acreditar. what comes next? o que vem agora? what does it come to? quanto custa? when did that come in? quando isto virou moda?, desde quando está em moda? when he came to die quando ele estava à morte. when it comes to costs quanto ao preço. where does the joke come in? onde está a piada nisto?

    English-Portuguese dictionary > come

  • 4 come to rest

    (to stop moving: The ball came to rest under a tree.) parar

    English-Portuguese dictionary > come to rest

  • 5 come to rest

    (to stop moving: The ball came to rest under a tree.) parar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > come to rest

  • 6 hammer

    ['hæmə] 1. noun
    1) (a tool with a heavy usually metal head, used for driving nails into wood, breaking hard substances etc: a joiner's hammer.) martelo
    2) (the part of a bell, piano, clock etc that hits against some other part, so making a noise.) martelo
    3) (in sport, a metal ball on a long steel handle for throwing.) martelo
    2. verb
    1) (to hit, beat, break etc (something) with a hammer: He hammered the nail into the wood.) martelar
    2) (to teach a person (something) with difficulty, by repetition: Grammar was hammered into us at school.) meter à força
    - give someone a hammering
    - give a hammering
    - hammer home
    - hammer out
    * * *
    [h'æmə] n martelo ou qualquer coisa de forma ou função idêntica. • vt+vi 1 martelar, malhar, bater, forjar. 2 elaborar com muito esforço. 3 forçar. hammer and sickle foice e martelo: emblema comunista. hammer and tongs com muito vigor e ruído. to be hammered estar declarado falido. to come under the hammer ser vendido em leilão. to hammer something trabalhar demorada e forçadamente em alguma coisa. to live hammer and tongs Amer viver como gato e cachorro. to throw the hammer Sport arremessar o martelo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hammer

  • 7 notice

    ['nəutis] 1. noun
    1) (a written or printed statement to announce something publicly: He stuck a notice on the door, saying that he had gone home; They put a notice in the paper announcing the birth of their daughter.) aviso
    2) (attention: His skill attracted their notice; I'll bring the problem to his notice as soon as possible.) atenção
    3) (warning given especially before leaving a job or dismissing someone: Her employer gave her a month's notice; The cook gave in her notice; Please give notice of your intentions.) aviso
    2. verb
    (to see, observe, or keep in one's mind: I noticed a book on the table; He noticed her leave the room; Did he say that? I didn't notice.) reparar
    - noticeably
    - noticed
    - notice-board
    - at short notice
    - take notice of
    * * *
    [n'outis] n 1 observação, reparo. 2 atenção. 3 notificação, informação. 4 advertência, sinal. 5 boletim. 6 notícia, comentário. 7 aviso prévio. 8 instrução, ordem, orientação, direção. 9 crítica de um filme, concerto, peça de teatro, etc. • vt 1 notar, perceber, reparar. 2 noticiar. 3 mencionar, citar. 4 notificar. a month’s notice aviso prévio de trinta dias. at a moment’s notice a qualquer momento. at a week’s notice dentro de uma semana. eviction notice notificação de despejo. it escaped my notice não percebi. notice of engagement participação de noivado. on short notice sem aviso, em cima da hora, de repente. period of notice prazo de rescisão (de um contrato). term for giving notice (ou warning) prazo para notificar a cessação. the notice to quit o aviso prévio. till/ until further notice a) até novo aviso. b) até uma próxima mudança. to bring to his notice levar ao seu conhecimento. to come into notice tornar-se notório. to come under one’s notice chegar ao conhecimento de. to give notice informar, notificar. to give someone a month’s notice a) despedir alguém com notificação prévia de trinta dias. b) avisar alguém (inquilino) que tem de desocupar o imóvel dentro de trinta dias. to serve notice advertir. to take no notice of não tomar conhecimento de.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > notice

  • 8 yoke

    [jəuk] 1. noun
    1) (a wooden frame placed over the necks of oxen to hold them together when they are pulling a cart etc.) canga
    2) (a frame placed across a person's shoulders, for carrying buckets etc.) canga
    3) (something that weighs people down, or prevents them being free: the yoke of slavery.) jugo
    4) (the part of a garment that fits over the shoulders and round the neck: a black dress with a white yoke.) cabeção
    2. verb
    (to join with a yoke: He yoked the oxen to the plough.) jungir
    * * *
    [jouk] n 1 jugo, cambão, canga (também fig). 2 par, parelha, junta. 3 qualquer coisa semelhante a jugo em uso ou forma. 4 aquilo que ajunta, união, laço. 5 opressão, escravidão, submissão. 6 balancim (para carregar baldes, cestos, etc.). 7 cabeçote (de sino). 8 meia-lua (de leme). 9 pala (de camisa, de saia, etc.). 10 trecho de terra arada por uma junta de bois em um dia. 11 parte de um dia de trabalho. • vt+vi 1 jungir, cangar. 2 emparelhar. 3 pôr cangalha em. 4 unir, ajuntar, ligar. 5 casar. 6 arch subjugar, dominar, escravizar. to bring under the yoke subjugar, dominar. to come/ pass under the yoke ser subjugado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > yoke

  • 9 relieve

    1) (to lessen or stop (pain, worry etc): The doctor gave him some drugs to relieve the pain; to relieve the hardship of the refugees.) aliviar
    2) (to take over a job or task from: You guard the door first, and I'll relieve you in two hours.) substituir
    3) (to dismiss (a person) from his job or position: He was relieved of his post/duties.) exonerar
    4) (to take (something heavy, difficult etc) from someone: May I relieve you of that heavy case?; The new gardener relieved the old man of the burden of cutting the grass.) ajudar
    5) (to come to the help of (a town etc which is under siege or attack).) socorrer
    * * *
    [ril'i:v] vt 1 aliviar, mitigar, abrandar. 2 assistir, ajudar, socorrer. 3 substituir, revezar (turmas, sentinelas). 4 levantar o cerco (de uma fortaleza, cidade, etc.). 5 coll tirar, privar. 6 interromper a monotonia. 7 pôr em relevo, realçar. 8 livrar de, desobrigar. 9 Tech cercear. 10 Physiol esvaziar a bexiga ou intestinos, urinar, defecar. he relieved nature / ele satisfez as suas necessidades. 11 liberar, soltar, libertar. he relieved his feelings / ele deu expansão a seus sentimentos, desafogou-se, expandiu-se. to relieve of a) aliviar (de um peso). b) demitir, despedir. c) roubar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > relieve

  • 10 relieve

    1) (to lessen or stop (pain, worry etc): The doctor gave him some drugs to relieve the pain; to relieve the hardship of the refugees.) aliviar
    2) (to take over a job or task from: You guard the door first, and I'll relieve you in two hours.) substituir
    3) (to dismiss (a person) from his job or position: He was relieved of his post/duties.) desobrigar
    4) (to take (something heavy, difficult etc) from someone: May I relieve you of that heavy case?; The new gardener relieved the old man of the burden of cutting the grass.) isentar
    5) (to come to the help of (a town etc which is under siege or attack).) auxiliar, socorrer

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > relieve

  • 11 lash

    [læʃ] 1. noun
    1) (an eyelash: She looked at him through her thick lashes.) pestana
    2) (a stroke with a whip etc: The sailor was given twenty lashes as a punishment.) chicotada
    3) (a thin piece of rope or cord, especially of a whip: a whip with a long, thin lash.) chicote
    2. verb
    1) (to strike with a lash: He lashed the horse with his whip.) chicotear
    2) (to fasten with a rope or cord: All the equipment had to be lashed to the deck of the ship.) amarrar
    3) (to make a sudden or restless movement (with) (a tail): The tiger crouched in the tall grass, its tail lashing from side to side.) sacudir
    4) ((of rain) to come down very heavily.) açoitar
    * * *
    [læʃ] n 1 a parte flexível do chicote acima do cabo. 2 chicote, açoite, chibata. 3 chicotada. 4 impulso, movimento repentino. 5 pestana, cílio. 6 sátira, sarcasmo. • vt+vi 1 chicotear, açoitar, surrar. 2 bater contra. 3 mover repentinamente ou violentamente. 4 amarrar com corda. 5 fig satirizar, atacar com palavras, censurar. 6 excitar, incitar. to be under the lash of estar sob o domínio de. to lash out a) dar coices, bater em ou contra. b) atacar ou censurar severamente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lash

  • 12 collapse

    1) (to fall down and break into pieces: The bridge collapsed under the weight of the traffic.) ruir
    2) ((of a person) to fall down especially unconscious, because of illness, shock etc: She collapsed with a heart attack.) desmaiar
    3) (to break down, fail: The talks between the two countries have collapsed.) falhar
    4) (to fold up or to (cause to) come to pieces (intentionally): Do these chairs collapse?) desdobrar-se
    * * *
    [kəl'æps] n 1 colapso, desmaio, prostração repentina. 2 ruína, queda, falência, malogro. • vt+vi 1 cair, ruir, desmoronar. 2 desfalecer, cair em colapso, desmaiar. 3 Amer dobrar, fechar. 4 desanimar, perder a força, ceder. collapse of a bank falência de um banco. collapse of prices queda de preços.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > collapse

  • 13 collapse

    1) (to fall down and break into pieces: The bridge collapsed under the weight of the traffic.) ruir, desmoronar
    2) ((of a person) to fall down especially unconscious, because of illness, shock etc: She collapsed with a heart attack.) desmaiar
    3) (to break down, fail: The talks between the two countries have collapsed.) fracassar
    4) (to fold up or to (cause to) come to pieces (intentionally): Do these chairs collapse?) desmontar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > collapse

  • 14 mate

    [meit] 1. verb
    1) (to come, or bring (animals etc), together for breeding: The bears have mated and produced a cub.) acasalar
    2) ((chess) to checkmate (someone).) dar xeque-mate
    2. noun
    1) (an animal etc with which another is paired for breeding: Some birds sing in order to attract a mate.) par
    2) (a husband or wife.) cônjuge
    3) (a companion or friend: We've been mates for years.) companheiro
    4) (a fellow workman or assistant: a carpenter's mate.) colega
    5) (a merchant ship's officer under the master or captain: the first mate.) imediato
    6) (in chess, checkmate.) xeque-mate
    * * *
    [meit] n 1 companheiro, companheira, colega. 2 cônjuge, consorte. 3 macho ou fêmea (de animais). 4 imediato de navio mercante. 5 ajudante. • vt+vi 1 casar, unir. 2 acasalar.
    [meit] n Chess xeque-mate. • vt dar xeque-mate.
    [m'a:tei] n Bot 1 erva-mate. 2 chá-mate.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > mate

  • 15 maté

    [meit] 1. verb
    1) (to come, or bring (animals etc), together for breeding: The bears have mated and produced a cub.) acasalar
    2) ((chess) to checkmate (someone).) dar xeque-mate
    2. noun
    1) (an animal etc with which another is paired for breeding: Some birds sing in order to attract a mate.) par
    2) (a husband or wife.) cônjuge
    3) (a companion or friend: We've been mates for years.) companheiro
    4) (a fellow workman or assistant: a carpenter's mate.) colega
    5) (a merchant ship's officer under the master or captain: the first mate.) imediato
    6) (in chess, checkmate.) xeque-mate
    * * *
    [m'a:tei] n = link=mate mate.3.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > maté

  • 16 mate

    [meit] 1. verb
    1) (to come, or bring (animals etc), together for breeding: The bears have mated and produced a cub.) acasalar(-se)
    2) ((chess) to checkmate (someone).) dar xeque-mate
    2. noun
    1) (an animal etc with which another is paired for breeding: Some birds sing in order to attract a mate.) parceiro
    2) (a husband or wife.) cônjuge
    3) (a companion or friend: We've been mates for years.) companheiro
    4) (a fellow workman or assistant: a carpenter's mate.) sócio
    5) (a merchant ship's officer under the master or captain: the first mate.) contramestre
    6) (in chess, checkmate.) xeque-mate

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > mate

  • 17 aerosol

    (a mixture of liquid or solid particles and gas under pressure which is released from a container in the form of a mist: Many deodorants come in the form of aerosols; ( also adjective) an aerosol spray.) aerosol
    * * *
    ['ɛərousɔl] n aerossol.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > aerosol

  • 18 occur

    past tense, past participle - occurred; verb
    1) (to take place: The accident occurred yesterday morning.) ocorrer
    2) ((with to) to come into one's mind: An idea occurred to him; It occurred to me to visit my parents.) ocorrer
    3) (to be found: Oil occurs under the sea.) existir
    * * *
    [ək'ə:] vt 1 ocorrer, acontecer, suceder. 2 parecer. 3 achar-se. 4 acudir, lembrar. it occurs to me that ocorre-me que, vem-me à mente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > occur

  • 19 aerosol

    (a mixture of liquid or solid particles and gas under pressure which is released from a container in the form of a mist: Many deodorants come in the form of aerosols; ( also adjective) an aerosol spray.) aerosol

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > aerosol

  • 20 occur

    past tense, past participle - occurred; verb
    1) (to take place: The accident occurred yesterday morning.) ocorrer
    2) ((with to) to come into one's mind: An idea occurred to him; It occurred to me to visit my parents.) ocorrer
    3) (to be found: Oil occurs under the sea.) ocorrer, encontrar-se

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > occur

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Under the Anheuser Bush — was an early 1900s popular song commissioned by the Anheuser Busch brewery. Its name is an obvious pun on the company name. In fact, the German word Busch is equivalent to the English word bush .The chorus, as sung by Billy Murray, is as follows …   Wikipedia

  • The Church of God under the leadership of Bishop James C. Nabors — The Church of God over which James C. Nabors is General Overseer is a pentecostal Christian body (denomination) with roots in the late 19th century American holiness movement and early 20th century Pentecostal revival. It shares a common history… …   Wikipedia

  • Under the breath — Under Un der, prep. [AS. under, prep. & adv.; akin to OFries. under, OS. undar, D. onder, G. unter, OHG. untar, Icel. undir, Sw. & Dan. under, Goth. undar, L. infra below, inferior lower, Skr. adhas below. [root]201. Cf. {Inferior}.] 1. Below or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Under the lee — Under Un der, prep. [AS. under, prep. & adv.; akin to OFries. under, OS. undar, D. onder, G. unter, OHG. untar, Icel. undir, Sw. & Dan. under, Goth. undar, L. infra below, inferior lower, Skr. adhas below. [root]201. Cf. {Inferior}.] 1. Below or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Under the rose — Under Un der, prep. [AS. under, prep. & adv.; akin to OFries. under, OS. undar, D. onder, G. unter, OHG. untar, Icel. undir, Sw. & Dan. under, Goth. undar, L. infra below, inferior lower, Skr. adhas below. [root]201. Cf. {Inferior}.] 1. Below or… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Under the Western Freeway — Studio album by Grandaddy Released Oc …   Wikipedia

  • under the circumstances — also[in the circumstances] {adv. phr.} In the existing situation; in the present condition; as things are. * /In the circumstances, Father couldn t risk giving up his job./ * /Under the circumstances, the stagecoach passengers had to give the… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • under the circumstances — also[in the circumstances] {adv. phr.} In the existing situation; in the present condition; as things are. * /In the circumstances, Father couldn t risk giving up his job./ * /Under the circumstances, the stagecoach passengers had to give the… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Under the hand of — Hand Hand (h[a^]nd), n. [AS. hand, hond; akin to D., G., & Sw. hand, OHG. hant, Dan. haand, Icel. h[ o]nd, Goth. handus, and perh. to Goth. hin[thorn]an to seize (in comp.). Cf. {Hunt}.] 1. That part of the fore limb below the forearm or wrist in …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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